
Wedding Curator School, a top wedding management college in Jaipur  is an Institution set up for grooming your managerial Skills and paving your way to Wedding Planning and Event Management.

In times of Lockdown, when everything has come to a halt, WCS opens the doors of Online Education to its students because we believe no pandemic can restrict an Individual from learning what they want to. 


WedTalks’2020 was our first online session for providing an outlook of the wedding industry and managing attributes.

Wedding Curator School brought in the panel of Elite Speakers who have pioneered in the Event Management and Wedding Planning Industry.


The Whole session was conducted from 27-06-2020 to 29-06-2020, where each day all the three speakers shared their expertise and experiences in the Industry.

They also shared the mandatory guidelines and precautionary measures to be keep in mind in POST COVID era for wedding planning and event Management.


Wedding Curator School, the best wedding management institute in Jaipur welcomes you to a journey or learning and enlightening of your inner passion.



By Yash Santoshi